COVID-19 Policies & Procedures
At Pica Pau, your safety is our top priority. We are constantly keeping track of current CDC guidance and local mandates. Our COVID-19 policies are as follows:
Do NOT come to class if you are feeling ill. This is ALWAYS a rule regardless of whether or not there is an ongoing pandemic.
If you are exposed to COVID-19, you cannot come to class for at least 7 days. You must show a negative test result on the 7th day.
If you test positive for COVID-19 and you have trained within the last 7 days, you must alert us immediately so that we can inform all those who were exposed.
We sanitize the mats and all surfaces 2-3 times/day with a hospital-grade disinfectant approved for use against COVID-19.
As of August 2021, we do not require masks, but this policy is subject to change. Students are always welcome to wear masks throughout training.
We encourage students to get vaccinated, but it is not required.
We ask students on a volunteer basis to inform us of their vaccination status. We use this information to provide members with vaccination figures, where only percentages are revealed (no personal data). As of August 2021, our best data indicates that we are at about 60% full vaccination rate. This number is subject to fluctuation, as new members come in and as more members get vaccinated. We do our best to be transparent, and we urge people to make decisions based on what is best for them and their families.
Private, small-group lessons are a great way to continue training and learning while limiting human contact. Reach out to us to inquire about private lessons.